Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Teachers' Roles

1) Assessor
Assessing learners’ performance, behavior, effort and contribution. Checking understanding, Evaluating learners’ performance, behavior, and contribution. Testing learner progress and level. Providing feedback on work, progress, behavior and contribution.
2) Contributor
Contributing ideas or information other than language, e.g. participating in discussions.
3) Consellor
Giving learners advice on difficulties they may have outside of their language class. Showing understanding of issues learners bring to the classroom from outside.
4) Diagnostician
Diagnosing, evaluating learners’ needs and difficulties.
5) Facilitator
Developing learner autonomy. Enabling learners to fulfill their potential. Helping learners to access resources. Providing opportunities for individual learning.
6) Language resource
Clarifying language. Correcting learner language. Consolidating learner language. Contextualising language. Eliciting language. Explaining language. Modelling language. Personalising language. Providing language input.
7) Manager
Managing the learners, the lessons and procedures in the classroom, e.g. Controlling the group dynamic. Deciding on interaction patterns. Demonstrating tasks and activities. Developing rapport. Encouraging learners. Giving instructions. Motivating learners. Praising learners. Maintaining discipline. Responding to classroom problems as they happen.
8) Monitor/Observer
Monitoring, observing and collecting information about learner performance, behavior, contribution and effort and progress. Keeping a written record of learners’ work.
9) Narrator
Narrating stories and things that have happened.
10) Planner
Anticipating problems. Deciding on a methodology for lessons. Designing and adapting texts and materials for lessons. Preparing texts and tasks for learners. Selecting materials and texts for lessons.
11) Reflector
Thinking about his/her own performance. Reflecting on learners’ progress.

Quoted from El-Sayed El-Rifaee at English language shapers around the world group on Facebook


Anonymous said...

Assalamu'alaykum dan salam sejahtera.
Mohon izin, saya mengunduh ....
Blog yg luar biasa.

Unknown said...

salam kenal, Pak.
ditunggu di blog saya ya. semoga bisa ketemu di Smarang.