Friday, June 19, 2015

Pelatihan Instruktur Nasional Kurikulum 2013 di Balai Diklat Depag Surabaya

This is my second duty as Narasumber Nasional Kurikulum 2013. This training was held from 19 - 25 of June 2015 at Balai Diklat Depag, Ketintang Madya Surabaya. The committee of this training was LPPKS Surakarta. There were four classes for English, the participants were from Indonesia Timur. My partner was Mr. Aris Munandar from SMKN 1 Sumenep.

Here are some important files and activity.
The following files are extra materials for K13 training

1. Perkembangan permen terbaru  click here
2. Ciri-ciri orang sukses click here
3. All about genre click here
4. Gaya belajar siswa click here
5. Landasan filosofi Genre - Based click here

The files of training are here

For class D, please upload your LK on the following link

Upload LK IN Group 1

Upload LK IN Group 2

Upload LK IN Group 3

Upload LK IN Group 4

Upload LK IN Group 5

Fun Counting Song

Fun Animal Song

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Video Peer Teaching IN English P4TK Matematika Yogyakarta

Peer Teaching Group 2

Peer Teaching Group 5

Monday, June 08, 2015

Pelatihan Instruktur Nasional Kurikulum 2013 P4TK Yogyakarta

My first duty as narasumber nasional Kurikulum 2013 was "Pelatihan Instruktur Nasional Kurikulum 2013" organized by P4TK Matematika Yogyakarta.

This training was held on June 3 - 9' 2015. My partner on this training was Mr. Mat Ibnu from Semarang. There were 30 Instruktur Nasional attended this training. After this training, the IN should train guru sasaran of Engllish teacher around Central Java and Yogyakarta province.

Here are the picture

The files of training are here
The video files are here

Training for National Trainer of Curriculum 2013

It was on Tuesday afternoon when taking a nap, suddenly my mobile phone rang and somebody called me. It was like a dream, a staff from LPMP Jawa Tengah called me to attend training for national trainer of curriculum 2013.

The training would be held from 21 - 25 May 2015 at Yasmin Karawaci, Tangerang. I would attend the training with Pak Mat Ibnu from SMAN 2 Semarang and Pak Mampuono from LPMP Jawa Tengah. I only had 1 day for preparing and arranging my trip on flight, from reserving the ticket, arranging official letters.

 And,,, finally I got Yasmin Karawaci. The fasilitator of training at that time were Mr. Fathur Rohim from P4TK Bahasa jakarta (btw, he is native of Jepara, my neighbour) and Mr. Didik Suherdi from UPI Bandung. The participants were 28 Nara Sumber from around Indonesia, from aceh until makasar. The material of training was all about curriculum 2013 and some updates related to K13. 

Here are the pictures.

And the files of training are here